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Team collaboration software for software development

Streamline teamwork, automate workflow, enjoy project management!

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800 000+ project managers worldwide create Gantt charts online with GanttPRO

Team collaboration software for software development project

Working on a software development campaign with a team and need to collaborate with participants? With the help of the team collaboration software, the whole team can collaborate with each other. It means that you can schedule and manage projects as well as collaborate with team members inside one service.

Describe assignments, insert active links in the description area, make attachments, and get real-time notifications - with the collaboration software, you keep all critical data in one place not losing a detail from your plan.

How team collaboration software makes management processes easier

Here is how GanttPRO helps 800k+ people become better managers for their teams and more professional service providers for their clients.

task management in undefined for software development
keeping track of progress in undefined for software development
attachments and comments in undefined for software development
real-time notifications in undefined for software development
zoom options in undefined for software development
sharing and export in undefined for software development
changes tracking in undefined for software development
resource management in undefined for software development

“I love that I'm able to see the project status overview, and then immediately navigate into specific tasks/assignments. Also, I can manage dev/marketing without switching to different board (like in Trello). Also, it's visual. Trello board became too clumsy for me over time.”

Team collaboration software for software development
Give it a try

The online Gantt chart maker provides FREE Gantt chart templates for software development and other industries.

Rely on team collaboration software with predefined templates. The primary structure will help you immediately understand and navigate through the software.

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